Maru Martial Arts offers Self-defense courses that are specially designed programs for just about anyone wanting to learn how to deal with assault. We teach realistic hands-on techniques that are proven to work. These techniques are based upon the science of automatic reflex action and have been designed to produce maximum efficiency with minimal force. You will learn physical and non-physical resistance and what the law says about excessive force. These techniques not only help develop self-confidence and self-awareness but are easy to learn.
Specially designed program for men and women, regardless of age, and most physical disabilities! Realistic techniques that work.
Physical and non-physical resistance. Plenty of time to practice with trained assistances. Trained instructor with over 30 years on aspects such as techniques, self-awareness, street awareness, liability and the law. Would you know what to do ?
Don't be a victim, be a survivor. Don't be afraid, be smart! Take a certified self-defense course.
Maru Martial Arts Self-defense Courses
Basic class- Deals with everyday situations
Assault prevention
Kubation defense (defense weapon on a key ring)
Advanced Survival (Classes contain techniques that are designed to stop your attacker quickly.
Teens (under 18) How to deal with bullying
These are not martial arts class (long pants and crew neck shirts are required).
For more Information contact Hanshi Donna Mathews : daltam666@gmail.com