Know your area
Know your neighbors
Lock all doors
Keep emergency numbers posted
Do not go into bad areas alone if you can help it ( especially at night )
Put a male voice on your answering machine
Do not leave notes on you front door telling where you are and when you will be back
Buy locks for your windows
Know your ability
Stay aware of your surroundings no matter where you are
Do not hitch hike
Carry proper identification with you at all times
Carry money in a different pocket
Know how to identify an attacker
Make sure that all members of your family are attack trained ( especially children )
Stay aware of the activities that go on in your community
Park in well-lighted areas
Keep your car in good condition / keep a help kit and extra blankets in your car along with a good flashlight, oil, extra batteries, flares, need help sign or signal, plus personal idea items
Never hesitate: call for help if you think you are in trouble