
Maru Martial Arts

Blue Belt Exam

Please answer all questions with complete answers. Put you name and belt rank on the top of your exam. When answering a question put the question on the page with your answer. You may do it by hand but if I can’t read it you will not get credit for it.

This is an open book test. Use your Maru Handbook to answer these questions.

!. What is the name of your Dojo?

2. How many officers are needed for the club?

3. Where do you find the answers for the Advanced Green belt test?

4. Exams are found where?

5. What are the grades needed to pass your practical exam?

6. What is rule number 12 of the dojo rules and what does it mean?

7. What are some of the reasoning for bowing?

8. What are the two types of groups that make up the club? The ____________ board and the _____________ board

9. What are your responsibilities to the clun?

10. How may meetings are required for the club?

11. Who makes up the Executive board?

12. Can a member of the club vote if they are not in attendances?

13. Who makes up the Judicial Board?

14. What are the requirements to be a full members?

15. Name the waivers that you need to sign and hand in?

True Or False

A 80% is needed to pass your green belt.

Students must not chew gum or eat during workouts is rule number 10 of the dojo rules.

The two ways of sitting are Sitting with your legs crossed or with legs bent under you sitting up straight.

You get 4 offences. On the forth you are out of the club.

You mat appeal your expulsion within 15 days.

Weapons may only be used by you when you borrow them.

It is ok to carry your weapon without a case.

Guns may be used in training with only a brown belt in attendance.

The Maru program is a program that allows you to attain a black belt at the end of 4 years if you pass all required materials.

All students will become black belts at the end of four years.

You must have permission from Hanshi or another black belt instructor to use any equipment outside of the FAC.

Explain Budo.

Explain Ki.


Print out your test and give it to your instructor.

Good luck

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