Haiku's are 17-Syllable poems. A student going for the rank of black belt must write a total of three. One on birth, one on life, and one on death. Although they are the requirements for the rank of Shodan, the poems below were written by students from all ranks.
Birth Life Death
See the parent hold What is the meaning? Only silence heard
a miracle in safe arms. So many have asked before. Wigh a mute voice and last breath
a new mind to teach Mysteries await I exist no more
At the beginning The winding path leads Facing my last test
A newly budding willow The Bushi travels onward Still bending like the willow
Ready for Life's road. Learning is his way My battle is won.
Warm inside the womb Wrong answer in class Grass doesn't know winter
Like an acorn in the soil Actions and consequences One day a fish stops swimming
Wrong answer in class Learn from our mistakes Be strong till the end
A new life is born Child springs to boy The final step.
parents gaze with pride boy falls to man. The end of all
dreams come to life Man into friend, husband, father, god. The autumm starts new
Noone knows
A bloom in the fall, Shooting for the best One last chance to love,
A father on Charles street In everything I do is Goodbye" is never goodbye.
Handing out cigars Harder than it looks. Finally, time to rest.
the first drop of rain rain falls and wind blows the wind falls quiet
the river begins to flow the river swells and rages river and rain are silent
a new life swirling lightning guides the sight all is as it was
Failed Tai-Otoshi Sadness, tears falling like rain
Decreased movement preceeds pain, he cries out as death delays
Such is Ju-Jitsu my throat chokes with grief